
Valutech, with the assistance of Dr. Takao Yukawa of Quality Quest Australia Pty. Ltd., has developed a database of over 600 Australian biotechnology companies and research institutes in English and Japanese as well as a database of around 2,200 Japanese biotechnology companies and start ups.
A sample database entry for Australian companies can be viewed.
Valutech has also undertaken a review of listed biotechnology companies in 2004 to 2022 and the results are summarised separately.
The database has formed the basis of statistics on the Australian biotechnology industry of which the key findings are:

Australian Biotechnology Companies

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Victoria has the largest number of companies followed by New South Wales then Queensland
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Human Health Sector is the main sector followed by Equipment and Services and Agriculture
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Companies formed in two waves, 1985-1989 and 1999-2004.
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Listed companies have the same geographical spread as total biotechnology companies, but there is a preponderance of human health and equipment companies.

Cash burn rates are high and cash reserves low with some consolidation in the industry.
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Listed companies in biotechnology were mainly established at the turn of the century and in recent years
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Approximately 34% of companies have less than 5 employees and 75% have less than 30.